this is very bad rn, i'm aware 💥💥 also also, everything is unfinished, feel free to check back later if you want something more polished!!1!

so, what even is an oingo boingo?

history section being written, bleh (-_-;)

my history with the band!!

obviously, i wasn't alive when they were active [gh, i wish (-_-;)] but i was first introduced to them when watching weird science with my father [we both LOVE 80's films :3] but didn't really know it was by them, or who they even really were? flash forward to seventh grade and i'm looking for song reccommendations from a friend of mine. they added a few ob songs to my playlist, and i instantly fell in love the second the first song played [which was whole day off for anyone curious ;3]

still kinda being written rip

who are the members?

  • danny elfman - lead vocals, 1974-1995
  • steve bartek - lead guitar, 1975-1995
  • johnny 'vatos' hernandez - drums, 1981-1995
  • david eagle - drums, 1980
  • kerry hatch - bass, 1979-1984
  • john avila - bass, 1985-1995
  • sam 'sluggo' phipps - tenor / soprano saxophone, 1973-1995
  • leon schneiderman - baritone / alto saxophone, 1972-1995
  • dale turner - trumpet / trombone, 1972-1995
  • richard 'ribbs' gibbs - keyboard, 1980-1984
  • mike bacich - keyboard, 1985-1987
  • carl graves - keyboard, 1987-1993
  • warren fitzgerald - guitar, 1994-1995

this list does not include members of mystic knights

gallery!! [severely unfinished]

danny !!

steve !!

vatos !!

avila !!

kerry !!

sluggo !!

dale !!

leon !!

ribbs !!

carl !!

mike !!

no warren gallery bc he doesn't deserve one!!1!

mystic knights !!